
這個指令的用法為「=GOOGLETRANSLATE(文字,[原文語言],[譯文語言])」;文字可以直接輸入文字內容,也可以指定為某個儲存格的內容。也就是說,如果你想要把「 ...,TheGOOGLETRANSLATEformulainGoogleSheetsisafunctionthatenablesuserstotranslatetextfromonelanguagetoanotherdirectlyintheirspreadsheet.,TranslatingwordsinGoogleSheetsisassimpleasinputtingaformula.Here'stheformula:=GOOGLETRANSLATE(“text”,“sourcelang...

Google 試算表,直接翻譯表格內文字(結合Google 翻譯)

這個指令的用法為「=GOOGLETRANSLATE(文字,[原文語言],[譯文語言])」;文字可以直接輸入文字內容,也可以指定為某個儲存格的內容。 也就是說,如果你想要把「 ...

How to use the GOOGLETRANSLATE formula in Google Sheets

The GOOGLETRANSLATE formula in Google Sheets is a function that enables users to translate text from one language to another directly in their spreadsheet.

[G Suite Tips] Translating text in Google Sheets

Translating words in Google Sheets is as simple as inputting a formula. Here's the formula: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(“text”, “source language”, “target language”)

Google Sheets GOOGLETRANSLATE Function

The GOOGLETRANSLATE function enables you to translate words and phrases in Google Sheets from one language to another.

Formula parse error when trying to translate automatically in google ...

It appears to be caused by the double-quotes you are using. Please try this version: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A23; en; es)


Translates text from one language into another. Sample Usage GOOGLETRANSLATE(Hello World,en,es) GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2,B2,C2) GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2) Syntax ...

GOOGLETRANSLATE Function in Google Sheets

How do I use the GOOGLETRANSLATE function? · Type =GOOGLETRANSLATE · Input the text to translate by cell reference or manual input. Don't forget to enclose it ...

How to Translate Entire Google Sheet (All Cells) [2025]

To translate an entire sheet in Google Sheets, use professional translation software. Our recommended solution is Pairaphrase.

How to use GOOGLETRANSLATE in Google Sheets - Guide

GOOGLETRANSLATE is a function in Google Sheets that allows you to translate text from one language to another. You can specify the source language and target ...